Monday, October 13, 2014

Halloween Cards & Circle Punches

October is finally here! Celebrate by sending these cute and not-so-spooky cards to a friend. They’re both easy to make, using circle punches and cards from the For All Seasons Themed Card Set.

First up, a layered pumpkin card.

Halloween Cards by Mary Ann Jenkins for 3 Birds DesignI made the base of the card using the “Hello There” card, matted it with coordinating paper, and then added it to my blank card. To make the pumpkin, I punched three 2” circles from the orange paper and glued two of them together with the patterned sides facing out. After the circle had dried, I folded them in half, and added a piece of orange twine down the fold.

Halloween Cards by Mary Ann Jenkins for 3 Birds DesignTo finish off the pumpkin, I added a small piece of green twine, a stem and leaves to the remaining circle, then glued on the folded circles.

Halloween Cards by Mary Ann Jenkins for 3 Birds Design

Now, how about a green eyed spider!

Halloween Cards by Mary Ann Jenkins for 3 Birds DesignI made the base of the card with the OCT themed card, matted it with coordinating paper, and added it to my blank card. To make the spider, I punched a 2” circle and a 1” circle from the black paper. I added a foam square to the smallest circle to give it a little dimension, then glued the whole spider to the OCT card.

Halloween Cards by Mary Ann Jenkins for 3 Birds Design

Green gems from the Pearlescent and Foil Goodie Box Set are the perfect eyes for this guy, and the legs were hand stitched with black twine.

DESIGNER TIP | Short on twine or thread for the pumpkin vine and spider legs? Draw them on with a colored marker.

A circle punch can be used for some many things. I hope these card ideas inspire you to pull out your circle punches and play!
Mary Ann

SUPPLIES | For All Seasons Themed Cards (Autumn set), Pearlescent and Foil Goodie Box Set, Midday Medley Paper Collection


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