Wednesday, November 19, 2014

3Birds is Opening It's Doors!

OK…. It's that time of year again! Our Annual Holiday Open House & Warehouse Sale is happening the first Saturday & Sunday in December. It's our chance to clean up the warehouse, and it's your 1 chance a year to meet all the Birdies from the Nest and score some incredible deals on 3Birds kits and more! We will have wholesale/below wholesale pricing. There will be many of the 3Birds kits you love as well as other name brands you will recognize! Plan to get there early.. because the prices are amazing, and once the goods are gone, they are GONE!  Stock up on some goodies for you, or get a jump on some Holiday Shopping for the crafters on your list! Hope to see you December 6th & 7th. Stay tuned for some sneak peek photos of the warehouse as we set up this extravaganza!

3Birds Annual Open House & Warehouse Sale December 6th & 7th, 2014



  1. wish I was closer, but Oregon is a long way from Cleveland

  2. I would like to be added to your email list. Never heard about this warehouse. I love 3 birds products would buy them on QVC all the time. They also would always sell out
