Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Apple Picking | September Sketch Challenge

Today, 3Birds Fans, I am sharing my Layout created for the September Sketch Challenge! I really love 2 page layouts. I just like how 2 page layouts flow nicely in my album, however, they are not the easiest to whip up! So when I can follow a sketch.....YES PLEASE! I mostly create 2 page layouts for my family albums due to the amount of photos I take at any given event! Fall is my favorite time of year! Here is my 2 Page layout of Apple Picking created with the sketch.

Apple Picking by Chasity Sivanick for #3birdsdesign #septembersketch #scrapbooklayout


As you can see, I pretty much followed the sketch, only changing a few minor things. I brought the large squares in to the center of the pages, and omitted a photo on the right page. I did, also, utilize a few of the cards from the "For All Seasons" Card Kit, which also helped speed up my layout!

Here is a closer look at the left page.

Apple Picking by Chasity Sivanick for #3birdsdesign #septembersketch #scrapbooklayout

Our family goes apple picking every year, as a fall favorite tradition! We have found some really awesome orchards in Ohio! So I have a ton of photos of the kids in the orchards every year! I especially like this sketch because it allows me to add multiple photos to the layout! Here is the right side:


I hope that you enjoyed my take on the September Sketch Challenge as much as I enjoyed making it! Now... Let's see what YOU do with it!


SUPPLIES | Pearlescent & Foil Goodie Box , Midday Medley Paper Pack, Midday Medley 3D Embellishment Kit, For All Seasons Themed Card Kit




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